Lacanian Press Agency
Paris, Septembre 14, 2001


Paris , 14 September 2001

Dear Colleagues,

My second letter has now been printed. Its title is * A letter as clear as daylight commemorating the twenty years since Lacan's death*.

With the first letter I gave three claps. Now, the curtain rises. M.Diatkine joins M.Denis ; they congratulate each other; the author tells the facts, then he speaks about Lacan's assassination in 1963, and finally he addresses the intellectual group of his generation, from Regis Debray to Jean-Claude Milner and Philippe Sollers.

It is about the French *inteligentsia* giving a rightful place to Lacan, and in Paris a party of Enlightenment is reborn.
I offer the French the example of the EOL and the IPA in Argentina, which have demonstrated that there is no need to come together in the same organisation to work jointly, being comrades and friends, to make psychoanalysis enter into the XXI century.

None of these things would be possible without what we have done together in the Freudian Field for twenty years.

This century which begins with the terrorist attack on New York will be marked by the stamp of the threat.
The psychoanalysts, once they have decided to end the Claytons civil wars in which they waste their time, then they will be able to take their own place in the debates of the City.

Believe, dear colleagues, in all my consideration,

PS: The first letter had 16 pages, it cost 30 FF. The second has 32 pages, it will be available in the bookstores at the cost of 50 FF. In Paris, tomorrow afternoon, in the province, at some time next week.

Translated by Susana Tillet

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