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I wrote this Editorial some time ago, and here it is again. Why again?, I am undertaking the risk of being sued by Lacanian Ink, since I am quoting myself, like Slavoj, re-publishing myself: my little text happens to fit The Symptom 16 very well. “ It is precisely the unnamable which, at the end of analysis, claims a space. But how do you get there, and once there, how do you identify it? ......You get there on the couch. As you bubble on the couch… ‘Make up stories,’ says Lacan, ‘invent.’ Stemming from a slip of the tongue, an error, the subject is, for the patient, rare beauty and full eroticism. Let it in turn walk out of the dream, repetition will come to qualify the story, polish it… ......Beauty and full eroticism in language correlate to desire. If they have a rapport to woman, it is because they both, woman and desire, belong in an empty shell. How so? Woman, where she is the symptom, she is the phallus…or the very empty shell's most rewarding act. Be it its reversing possibilities. Lacan insists, ‘Woman does not exist as an entity with full ontological consistency, but only as a symptom of man.’ ......Lacan's second statement envisions the symptom in Seminar XXlll, after Joyce the Sinthome. Here the subject dissolves—it loses ground under its feet, disintegrates —“woman is a symptom of man,” to a point that man himself exists only through woman as his symptom—woman is externalized in his symptom. ......Man literally exists: his entire being lies “out there,” in woman. Woman, on the other hand, does not exist, she insists… has “her way,” it being maybe happiness. But, not her coming to be. She does not come to be through man. Something in her escapes the relation to man… Excess. Lacan captures the very excess through the notion of “not all”—“not all” feminine jouissance. ......The sinthome—your name of symptom—is the signifier that conveys your desire. ......The Other never existed, but now you know it. Again, there is a jouissance to recuperate… ......You enjoy—jouis. The sinthome you enjoy.”I wrote this Editorial some time ago, and here it is again. Why again?, I am undertaking the risk of being sued by Lacanian Ink, since I am quoting myself, like Slavoj, re-publishing myself: my little text happens to fit The Symptom 16 very well.

“ It is precisely the unnamable which, at the end of analysis, claims a space. But how do you get there, and once there, how do you identify it?
......You get there on the couch. As you bubble on the couch…
‘Make up stories,’ says Lacan, ‘invent.’
         Stemming from a slip of the tongue, an error, the subject is, for the patient, rare beauty and full eroticism. Let it in turn walk out of the dream, repetition will come to qualify the story, polish it…
......Beauty and full eroticism in language correlate to desire. If they have a rapport to woman, it is because they both, woman and desire, belong in an empty shell. How so? Woman, where she is the symptom, she is the phallus…or the very empty shell's most rewarding act. Be it its reversing possibilities. Lacan insists, ‘Woman does not exist as an entity with full ontological consistency, but only as a symptom of man.’
......Lacan's second statement envisions the symptom in Seminar XXlll, after Joyce the Sinthome. Here the subject dissolves—it loses ground under its feet, disintegrates —“woman is a symptom of man,” to a point that man himself exists only through woman as his symptom—woman is externalized in his symptom.
......Man literally exists: his entire being lies “out there,” in woman. Woman, on the other hand, does not exist, she insists… has “her way,” it being maybe happiness. But, not her coming to be. She does not come to be through man. Something in her escapes the relation to man… Excess. Lacan captures the very excess through the notion of “not all”—“not all” feminine jouissance.
......The sinthome—your name of symptom—is the signifier that conveys your desire.
......The Other never existed, but now you know it. Again, there is a jouissance to recuperate…
......You enjoy—jouis. The sinthome you enjoy.”

