Σ (x)
by Jacques-Alain Miller
What is the proof of the unconscious? It just so happens that I muse over this question, that I abandon myself to it. And to tell the truth, it is a kind of bemusement, it is abandon. But the next patient is always already there to pull me out of my own doubt, for this patient who speaks to me, who is going to speak to me, who is going to address himself to me, who comes right in and doesn't just pass by my window is quite real, and I don't take pleasure in doubting his existence.
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The Conformity of Perversion
by Kirsten Hyldgaard
It is a common idea that a perverse practice undermines laws, conventional norms, and morals, that the perverse subject is some sort of avant-garde against a bigoted heterosexual hegemony. In the following I would like to argue that perversion, if anything, represents a conservatory factor by disavowing what psychoanalysis calls the lack of the Other, that, on the contrary, it is a neurotic structure that makes room for the possibility of change. The question is presented in connection with a discussion of how to apply one of Lacan's most famous sentences and propositions, namely "desire is the desire of the Other" to both perversion and neurosis. The challenge is especially how to apply the sentence to perversion, in what sense can perversion be thought of as a variation on the theme of desire being the desire of the Other? [...]
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"Let's bury a few liberals!"
(A Lacanian Gesture)
by Alex Betancourt-Serrano
Judging by recent reflections from cultural theorists, political scientists, historians and philosophers, it seems Francis Fukuyama had it his way: we are indeed at the end of history. I have, of course, to give you the immediate caveat. Fukuyama seems to have 'won' academically (a Pyrrhic victory for sure) [...]
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The Use of Perversion:
Secretary or The Piano Teacher?
by Frances L. Restuccia
Lesbian S/M has been touted as an effective means of coping with, if not curing, psychic trouble for some time now, especially by lesbian practitioners of the art.
Performance of power, lending the performers control, allows a certain grip on the traumas being reenacted, as Coming to Power: Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M testifies. In "If I Ask You to Tie Me Up, Will You Still Want to Love Me?" Juicy Lucy values sexual S/M as "a healing tool [...]
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The Cyclops & The Gnomon
by Louis Armand
In a series of seminars conducted between 1949 and 1960, Lacan increasingly comes to identify language with the structure of the Freudian unconscious and consciousness with materiality. The proximity of these sets of terms to one another can hardly be gratuitous, other than in the sense they commit to the dictum of Heideggerean ontologythat is, "to be for nothing." [...]
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by Jaime Delgadillo Miranda
Freud's exploration of hysteric neurosis lead him to recognise, as early as 1896, that approaching the aetiology of a symptom demanded the exposition of an extensive clinical case study. In cases where several symptoms may be found, for instance, these malign fruits can be traced back to triggering events which are but a ramification of a genealogical tree, where several experiences can be linked together symbolically and affixed to a bark whose roots dig deep into the underground of infantile sexuality. [...]
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A Study in the Suicide of Selfhood: The Death of Saint Narcissus
by Paul Murphy
In the poem The Death of Saint Narcissus, three primary archetypal figures may be identified. The first is Saint Sebastian, the early Christian martyred by the soldiers of the Roman Emperor Diocletian. [...]
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Regard, incarnation et paternité dans Corps du roi, de Pierre Michon. La photo de Faulkner.
by Cristina Álvares
Corps du Roi, de Pierre Michon, sorti en décembre 2002, est un ensemble de cinq textes on pourrait les appeler récits-essais ou essais-récits? qui s'ouvrent en deux volets à partir d'un texte central: L'oiseau. La place centrale de ce petit récit-essai appelons-le comme cela dans l'ensemble est aussi une place d'exclusion. [...]
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Entrevistas a
Jorge Alemán
por Massimo Recalcatti
Encuentro con Jorge Alemán, psicoanalista argentino exiliado por la dictadura militar y residente en España desde el año siguiente a la muerte de Franco. [...]
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por José Natanson "Acá un experimento mal hecho puede costar muertos." [...]go to article
Entrevista a Alain Badiou
por Julia Goldenberg
Julia Goldenberg: Usted dice que el acto político crea tiempo y espacio, y en su seminario sobre el cine en el mes de septiembre, usted dice mas o menos lo mismo del cine, entonces puede decir que el cine es un acto político? En ese caso es mucho más peligroso de lo que pensamos. [...]
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Caso Clínico:
"... lo peor"
por Paula Contreras
Una mujer de 31 años, a la que llamaré Ana, inicia una serie de entrevistas que se prolongarán por el término de dos años, con algunas interrupciones. [...]
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El Psicoanálisis en el Siglo XXI
Entrevista a Juan Carlos Indart
por Damasia Amadeo
A lo largo de esta entrevista Juan Carlos Indart reflexiona sobre el arraigo del psicoanálisis en la Argentina. Profundiza en el rol del psicoanálisis actual dentro de un contexto mundial capitalista y dominante. Habla de "traidores", de "fantasmas", y de las identificaciones pueriles en que caen las agrupaciones. Afirma finalmente que, si bien no habrá un "panteón" para los psicoanalistas, la transferencia de los "vivos" traerá nuevas demandas. [...]
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Passion In The Era of Decaffeinated Belief
by Slavoj Zizek
The credentials of those who, even prior to its release, virulently criticize Mel Gibson's new film on the last 12 hours of Christ's life, seem impeccable: are they not fully justified in their worry that the film, made by a fanatic Catholic traditionalist with occasional anti-Semitic outbursts, may ignite anti-Semitic sentiments? More general, is Passion not a kind of manifesto of our own (Western, Christian) fundamentalists and anti-secularists? Is then not the duty of every Western secularist to reject it? Is such an unambiguous attack not a sine qua non if we want to make it clear that we are not covert racists attacking only the fundamentalism of other (Muslim) cultures? [...]
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