(À découvert, meaning to be discovered or to be overdrawn, financially)
by Dominique Carpentier
She has been my patient for several years now. She remains ambivalent about a cure that although seems to work and is able to make arrangements that greatly facilitate her life, she disrupts her life because she deems it expensive. She is not yet fully settled in her profession and complains that she does not have enough money for her analysis.
And then again, when she is between two cities, two jobs, a new apartment and a love encounter, her money problems resurface.
—I do not want to be “exposed” anymore! She exclaims. This is what the analyst signals with alacrity. The cure then takes a different direction with the uncovering of this equivocal discovery.
She complains of having to explain everything, “to control” everything, to give everything and to be the slave, always transparent, she thinks, to this other to whom she is dedicated — she is sick of it!
She welcomes with relief that the witz of being overdrawn. She hears herself. This serves her jouissance, she takes note, and it changes everything! The cure is vitalized by the renewed bet in the power of speech, the fuel of desire.