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Drive is Parole
by Jacques-Alain Miller
In Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, Freud exposes the sexuality already present, discernible in the child's behavior for instance, and pervading the discourses, deeds, art, culture. It becomes evermore dilated. [...] go to article

Some Moral Failings...
by Pierre Skriabine
The psychoanalytic clinic refutes any idea of an entity that could be named "depression." This refutation has today more than ever an ethical urgency [...] go to article
The Conflicts of the Obsessional Neurotic
by Christian Kupke
[...] the paradox of the obsessional neurotic: not to know whether he is alive or dead - alive in his speech or dead in language, but perhaps already dead in his speech and still alive in language. [...] go to article
'A Cage Went In Search...
by David Ratmoko
[...] In psychoanalysis, overdetermination 'gives expression to more than one need or desire' (OED), it is the condensation of the conscious and the unconscious wish resulting in the encryption of the symptom. [...] go to article

Le Mort Qui Parle:
by Cristiano Husu
For a mathematician, the enjoyment provided by the speech of the master is impossible. The multiplicity of structures turns the communication of mathematics ideas into a sort of inverse of the master's speech. [...] go to article

Past and Future of Psychoanalysis
by Thomas Svolos
Over the last quarter century, biological psychiatry has replaced psychoanalysis as the dominant paradigm for psychiatry. [...] go to article
IN SPANISH  [space] 
El Legado de Freud
by Mario Goldenberg
El lazo entre analistas es una cuestión central planteada desde los albores del psicoanálisis con Freud y sus primeros seguidores. [...] go to article

Auster's Austerity
by Alejandra Glaze
¿Y por qué en la llamada nueva cultura del posmodernismo, definida como la era de la imagen o del simulacro, Auster, con sus protagonistas ascéticos [...] go to article

Photographie et Réel
by Cristina Alvares
Mais lorsque, pour aphoriser cette autonomie de la structure ou chaîne signifiante, Lacan affirme que le sujet est ce qu' un signifiant représente pour un autre signifiant [...] go to article
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Can Lenin Tell Us... ?
by Slavoj Zizek
Today, even the self-proclaimed post-Marxist radicals endorse the gap between ethics and politics, relegating politics to the domain of doxa, of pragmatic considerations and compromises which always and by definition fall short of the unconditional ethical demand. [...] go to article
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