




Short Éric Laurent Bibliography—English


Styles of Life
The Sinthome 14


The Reverse of the Hysterical Symptom
lacanian ink 40

The Two Sexes and the Other Jouissance
lacanian ink 40

The Certainty of Hysteria
The Symptom 13


Feminine Jouissance
lacanian ink 38

Thoughts about the current form of the impossible to teach
The Symptom 12

Psychoanalytic Cities
lacanian ink 37


The Art of Extraction
lacanian ink 36

Of the Disparity in Love
The Symptom 11

Uses of the Neurosciences for Psychoanalysis
The Symptom 11

The Jouissance Program Is Not Virtual
lacanian ink 35


A Fundamental point of departure
Hurly-Burly 2 (November)
The Pass…or to Finesse against the subject supposed to know
Hurly-Burly 2 (November)
Interview : Butler and Gender
Hurly-Burly 1 (May)
The Psychoanalytical Notebooks
A Review of the London Society of the NLS 19
Psychoanalysis and Science
The Symptom 10 (Spring)


Metamorphosis and Extraction of the Object a in the pragmatics of the Cure
Bulletin of the NLS 4
Bilbao's G spot
Bulletin of the NLS 3
The perverse effects of EBM and the Remedies that psychoanalysis brings
The Review (newsletter of the association for psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Ireland) 12 (Spring)


Pragmatics of the Cure: the Transference from objet a
transl. by Susana Tillet

Blog-Notes : "The psychopathy of evaluation"
Psychoanalytical Notebooks, a Review of the London Society of the NLS 16 (May)
The Purloined Letter and the Tao of the psychanalyst
from The later Lacan : an introduction SUNY press
Feminine positions of Being
from The later Lacan : an introduction SUNY press


Guiding Principles for Any Psychoanalytic Act
Ornicar? Digital

Where has the name of the father gone today?
The seminar of the Freudian field in Israel Tel-Aviv., Dora Project
Evaluation as symptom and as ravage
Almanac of Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalytic cities
Almanac of Psychoanalisis
Symptom and Discourse
from The later Lacan : an introduction Reading Seminar XVII, Justin Clemens and Russel Grigg editors, Durham and London : Duke University Press


A Sophism of Courtly Love
Lacanian Ink 20


The Certainty of Hysteria
Lacanian Ink 4


The Uses of Fantasy
Lacanian Ink1


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