We submit nature and its savagery retreats to constant surveillance. Where the hell is it anyway, this nature? Science and technology jerry-rigged a gaze that makes of us the new gods of the earth, all seeing and everywhere. From on high in our watchtowers we contemplate creation. And when all is said and done our gaze unveils nothing but our own savagery. A scientific savagery, highly cultural in the end. A whole new genre. Cameras pointed in all directions at every living creature, and for what? For one, it’s to see how it fucks. For it is not only discontent with civilization that has us coveting the animal lot; it’s the inexhaustible mystery of the sex, of la nuit sexuelle where we’ve wandered since the dawn of our kind. All that’s gone pretty bad in society, and it hasn’t been so hot either in our own love lives. At ease in the bedroom, at least from what you hear. Between men and women it’s been pretty messy, the big disorder. Not necessarily unpleasant of course; it’s not war, it’s not some kind of permanent fuck up, it’s rather a kind of mixing up and clearing up, a for whatever it’s worth, come what may, do what you can with what you’ve got. In the end, sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t. No set rule, no rhyme or reason. Not at all as it is with animals, where everybody seems to know perfectly well how to do it. How, and with whom, and when. The blessed and the blissful.