To resume again...
The Wolfman I
Reducing the Sophist to Silence
The Jouissance Program…
Freud and the Object…
The Universal Eye…
Transcendental Black Metal
Leave the Screen Empty!
Mike Kelley, Carroll Dunham, Olaf Breuning
Cathy Lebowitz interviews
Josefina Ayerza
Cathy Lebowitz: So the image of the woman with a phallus, wherever it may appear, makes you think of this dream?
Josefina Ayerza: Kelley’s women with the phallus painted over their belly, in between the legs, on the breast… made me think of this dream by way of illustration. Woman wants to be the phallus—it is for that which she is not that she wishes to be desired as well as loved. “But she finds the signifier of her own desire in the body of him to whom she addresses her demand for love.” A substitute figure for the male sexual organ, it will detach. By now it is a signifier, a lack. The fact that the phallus is a signifier means that it is in the place of the Other… However veiled, it is this desire of the Other as such that the subject must come to recognize.
Kelley’s frogs croak and puff themselves up with air, they want to have it. The swelling amplifying the sounds made by the frogs’ vocal chords, they croak to attract female frogs for breeding. If the phallus doesn’t belong to neither of them it is because it belongs to both. For Lacan, the organ invested with this signifying function takes on the value of a fetish.
Art: Mike Kelley Naked Majas (Bettelheims' Genital) - acrylic on canvas, wood, enamel, 2008-2009
Two Henrys - acrylic on canvas, 2009.
courtesy Gagosian Gallery, NYC.
Olaf Breuning Yes / No - wall drawing, 2009
courtesy Metro Pictures, NYC.
Carroll Dunham (Hers) Night and Day #1 - acrylic on canvas, 2009
courtesy Barbara Gladstone Gallery, NYC.
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